une alliance de partenaires universitaires, communautaires et gouvernementaux résolus à la promotion des communautés accueillantes et à l’intégration des migrants et des minorités partout au Canada
La revue de presse fournit des liens aux articles récents et archivés, à la fois en anglais et en français, sur l’immigration et la diversité lesquels ont été publiés dans les média locaux et nationaux. Il y a également des articles internationaux. Cette section est mise à jour hebdomadairement.
Financial Post – Migrants Rally Across Canada Calling for Expansion of Regularization Program to All
Migrants, refugees, undocumented people, workers and students are taking to the streets on August 23rd to call for full and permanent immigration status for all. Parliament may be prorogued but migrants are still in crisis. Actions in ten cities and five provinces are calling for the expansion of the newly announced pathway to permanent residency for some refugees in healthcare to include everyone in the country without permanent resident status.
A refugee sponsorship fund has received its first commitment from a P.E.I. group and is looking for more interest in the face of the province’s housing crisis. The Refugee Hub, an Ottawa-based non-profit, hosted an outreach session in Charlottetown Friday for people thinking about sponsoring refugees through their fund. It covers six months of a refugees’ stay in Canada, and the federal government covers the other six months. Sponsors need to cover small settlement fees like clothing and pantry items.
Radio-Canada ICI Québec – « Lévis veut devenir la terre d’accueil de l’immigration »
Le maire Gilles Lehouillier souhaite faire de Lévis « la terre d’accueil de l’immigration au Québec ». Pour y arriver, l’intégration des nouveaux arrivants doit se concrétiser bien au-delà du marché du travail. La Ville souhaite démontrer que les quelque 4000 personnes immigrantes qui habitent maintenant à Lévis sont beaucoup plus qu’une solution à la pénurie de la main-d’œuvre.
Toronto Star – New Law to Let Canadian Officials Share Immigrants’ Personal Info
Immigration officials would be given access to permanent residents’ and citizens’ personal information from other government agencies for enforcement purposes under Ottawa’s proposed changes to the laws. The plan, published Friday, would allow information sharing between border enforcement officials, Employment and Social Development Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, the RCMP and the regulator of immigration consultants, as well as other federal and provincial bodies. […] According to the plan, the revenue agency would play a key role in the new information regime as the changes would let immigration authorities access the secure Income Verification Program as a source to identify “possible false representation, fraud, concealment of material circumstances, or discrepancies” provided by immigration and citizenship applicants. The information sharing, said the proposal, is meant to allow authorities to crack down on fraud, validate citizenship status for government services, authenticate the identity or status of individuals and “proactively” alert other officials of changes in their immigration status.
Les nouvelles St-Laurent – Recherche d’emploi: Un parcours plus ardu pour les minorités visibles
Être à la recherche d’un emploi est, plus souvent qu’autrement, un processus laborieux, mais selon certains organismes d’aide à l’emploi, le parcours est plus long pour les minorités visibles. Une réalité particulièrement frappante à Saint-Laurent, un secteur où huit personnes sur 10 sont issues de l’immigration. […] Un article paru récemment dans Nouvelles Saint-Laurent racontait l’histoire de Mohammed, un immigrant au curriculum vitae étoffé qui, malgré ses efforts soutenus, n’arrive pas à décrocher une seule entrevue d’embauche. Une situation qui ne surprend pas la direction du CJE de Saint-Laurent. «60% des jeunes qui fréquentent l’organisme proviennent d’un pays natal autre que le Canada, le premier pays sur la liste étant le Maroc. 52% d’entre eux s’identifient comme une minorité visible […] » mentionne le directeur général du CJE Saint-Laurent, M. Marc Grignon.
National Post – Some Police Softening Approach to Illegal Immigrants, as More Cities Consider Providing “Sanctuary”
Some police agencies have adopted something akin to don’t ask, don’t tell: They will ask about immigration status only in limited circumstances — and may turn a blind eye if an undocumented migrant is a victim or crime witness. The idea being, people should not be afraid to seek help just because they are undocumented. It comes amid a growing movement among North America cities to accommodate the undocumented — typically those who overstay their visas or are failed refugee claimants — and to make sure they and their families have access to basic city services. […] Kevin Menard, a spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander, said the government will not support efforts by any city that offers “sanctuary” to undocumented individuals. […] Several Canadian police agencies said they generally take this stance: if they believe a person is undocumented and that person is being investigated for a crime or has an active warrant, they will most likely notify federal immigration authorities. However, if they’re dealing with a victim or witness, officers may exercise discretion and not inquire into that person’s immigration status, some officials said.